Non – Formal Education and Adult Education for rural youth
Women Development programmes – Self Help Groups
Micro Finance programs
Health and Sanitation Program for the Hut and Street dwellers
Environmental Education among slum population
Community Development through government programs
Social Animation and Leadership Trainings for Adolescents in Schools
(Programs mentioned above 2-8 were implemented in 20 villages in Madurandagam and Poonamallee Blocks, Kancheepuram District. Supported by MSDS/Andheri Hilfe –Germany, 1990 -1999)
STI/HIV/AIDS Prevention Projects - Among Sex Workers and Workers in liquor Bars
(Supported by AUSAID, Australia, 1998 - 2003)
Rehabilitation and Income generation activities and vocational skill trainings in slums
(Supported by AIDS – CAP and Netherlands Embassy, New Delhi)
A study was conducted published on “Media and Women” (Self Financed)
Integrated Rehabilitation of Slum children affected by Tsunami in Chennai Slums (Supported by MISEREOR, Germany, Project period 2005- 2009
Psycho social care for the adolescents and children in the Tsunami affected slums
(Supported by MISEREOR, Germany, Project period 2005- 2009)
. Awareness generation and Prevention of Iodine deficiency Disorders (IDD) in Tamil Nadu (Supported by UNICEF- Chennai 2004-2006
Awareness and Prevention of (IDD) supported by UNICEF – 2012-2014)